We will post any information on the trial here in this section of the blog, as well as information on the case that is available to the public. Also anything that we will do publically for Shelby will be posted in this section.
Today is a day of mixed emotions for everyone involved in this case. We got to hear Travis plead guilty to the vicious murder of his father. We watched his crocidile tears and his explanation of I made a mistake. Ellen did a beutiful job delivering her impact statement. Yet at the same time it became abundatnly clear that he is really gone. He is never coming back...but at the same time we are on the road to grieving. We thank God for answering our prayers and for everyone who has been a great support to us. Thank you to the law enforcement, CCFHV for their listening ears and advice, for the prayers of everyone who loved Shelby. We have had a great victory today, but still a long way to go. We thank you all.
Today is March 5, 2010. Word just came in that trial will be commencing on March 9th. As it stands, there is a deal in place and that will be dealt with on Monday March 8th. If Muerdering Travis pleads guilty, then there will be no trial on Tuesday. From our understanding, the deal is that he will get life with the possibility of parole in 15 years. If he goes to trial then he could face life without the possiblity of parole and limited appeals. This is so exciting to the family to hope and pray that the no good monster will be behind bars where he should be. In my heart I feel that God will bring justice according to His will about this. Rest In Peace Shelby! It is almost over!
Ellen Talked to the prosecuting attorney January 26. Ellen was told to look for yet another postponement in the trial as they are still waiting on evidence from BCII. So the March 9th trial may be postponed. We will keep you posted.
The preliminary hearing was cancelled on March 1. The courts or the victims advocate did not have the descency to call and tell anyone either. His daughter Ellen called the Victims Advocate who said check the website for the court docketts, which as of a few minutes ago still reflect that the hearing went on as scheduled. This is hard on the family that is waiting for justice with no information coming forth from the ones who promise to help you. At any rate, she told Ellen that the defense put forth a lot of motions and supposedly they will have some type of hearing on those Friday coming. We will wait and see if we hear anything. ( i have my doubts as Ellen will have to call and call with the typical i will get back to you routine from the victims advocate)
This is the third trial date that is set. The new trial date is March 9, 2010 at 9 am in Steubenville at the Jefferson County Courthouse. According to Shelby's daughter who called the prosecuting attorney's office, it is delayed as they do not yet have the autopsy report. We will keep you updated.
Shelby's daughter finally did get to talk to someone. She received a good bit of information from the victims advocate. She was told not to look for trial to take place in March as there will most likely be contiuances that will take place. (We know from the below articles why this may be done). This is just my thought here. We did not know of such a person until it was pointed out to us by CCFHV.(thank you) I wonder why the advocate could not make a connection? The people left dealing with this may not know, as we didn't. We definatly need to change some things for the victims rights.
We are planning in the near future a public memorial for Shelby. Please watch for details.
We are planning in the near future a public memorial for Shelby. Please watch for details.
The family still intends to inter Shelby's ashes in the family plot in Plainfiled, Ohio. The reason that he has not been laid to rest in his grave, is that all of his money was stolen by his son. The family is still paying on the cremation. Shelby does not even have an urn, and his remains are in a small cardboard box. As soon as the family can come up with the money, his remains will be taken to be with the rest of his family.
We would like to take the time to acknowlege the efforts of the law enforcement who were there on the scene that night and commend them for catching Travis so fast. The friends and family are grateful for all of your talent and efforts in this case. We would like to send a special thank you to the young officer who was first on the scene and took great time and patience working with the family and friends. When we find out your name we will post it.
Take some time to follow these links and learn how the defense will use questions to intimidate and confuse the witnesses. The best thing people can do when being called as a witness is be prepared. We have already been warned how the defense will attempt to assasinate Shelby's character. They do this to make it look like the defendant was provoked or to raise his stature in comparrsion to the VICTIM. Be prepared to answer in court. Learn these tactics and how to respond. Above all take your time before you answer. If you do not understand the question do not try to answer it. Simply ask for it to be restated, especially if it sounds confusing or one of those vague questions that can be answered two ways. Keep your cool. The defense will attempt to get you flustered so he/she can trip you up. They may even attack your character or accuse you of the crime. And if you loose your cool, you loose credibility as a witness. Their job is to create reasonable doubt among the jurors and we do not want to play into their hands.
This next link is from New York but has much valuable information
This song on the link below says it best. Goodbye for now, we will meet again!
Thank you for helping to keep the public informed about Shelby's case! You did a great job D!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kimberly!
ReplyDeleteMany condolences for your loss. I am touched. I am doing some information gathering about situations like this, and I would like to listen to a victim of this crime, but your video seems to be broke. Is there any way to have it relinked, or maybe linked to the website that hosts it?